Jason Massey Jason Massey

The Standard

When you make stuff like we do for a living time and accomplishments feel different. If you create videos, music, books, movies or anything online you probably know what I mean by this. Working a job where you’re on the clock has a lot of drawbacks. It does have one thing though for a lot of people, a sense that you’re accomplishing something.

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artist spotlight, community Susan Spenader artist spotlight, community Susan Spenader

Artist Spotlight

We thought we would start the new year right and highlight some amazingly talented artists in the D&R community. All these pieces were found under #art_and_fanart section of our Discord, which you can join here! If you would also like to submit any art to be featured on our website, you can submit it through our Discord or you can send any submissions to dandrpodcast@gmail.com!

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Jason Massey Jason Massey

Half as long. Twice as bright.

As more and more people decide to produce things online for entertainment and make it their career, it’s inevitable that they will hit "the wall". It's that point where you say to yourself, "I'm not enjoying this anymore." It's a really tough thing to describe to most people. I know that I'm lucky as hell to do what I do for a living. I also know that I have, and continue to work my ass off to keep it. Just because you like your job, doesn't mean that it isn't work.

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Jason Massey Jason Massey

A Bigger Better Patreon

As you might know, we've been working really hard on a ton of things. I thought I would outline some of what to expect here and fill you all in.

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